What We Do
We are happy to work at differing levels whether it be at the organisational level or at the functional or business unit, team or individual levels. We can offer a bespoke, blended, larger approach for an organisation which may also include some consultation and research, or we can provide a single, specific offering for a clear need.
Some of our signature offerings include:
- Bespoke leadership programmes and executive coaching assignments
- Leadership Journeys with Intact TeamsA unique journey, normally done in nature, designed to create trust and courage to address and resolve the few key beliefs and behaviours, that need to change individually and as a team to succeed together – given the challenge/opportunity facing the team.
- Team CoachingThis can occur face-to-face or virtually.
- Comprehensive Senior Leader Coaching Programme
- Programmes (that can also be tailored to your context and need)
- Stakeholder Management
- Strategy Review and Reset (ensuring all are actively involved)This can occur face-to-face or virtually.
- Supporting the Development of Mentors (within an organisation)
- Leadership Assessments
Praxis has also developed a smaller, nimble and focused 360 tool – Feedback360 – which is easy to use (mobile device friendly), less expensive and can be used to gather perspectives around individuals, teams, ideas and concepts and startups.